Monday Morning Reality

Monday Morning Encouragement is in the form of a blog today because…well just because. Honestly, I could have made a video happen if I had hustled to get it done.

But, if I had, I would have set my day to the “rhythm of rush.” (to use Lysa Terkeurst’s phrase) And I didn’t want to set my day to that rhythm. We are 11 days from the Awaken Conference for FTGI so I have quite enough “rush” in my life right now.

So, this is me right now, writing this blog. Unshowered. Unhurried. Un made-up. Just me.

Photo on 2-16-15 at 8.40 AM

I saw a little news story this morning about some un-retouched pictures of Cindy Crawford that were leaked and it inspired me to allow myself to be seen a little un-done this morning. (ok, I admit, I was not brave enough to not add an antique filter to slightly soften the un-made up lines on my face! There is always room for growth in this pursuit to be real)

I breathed a sigh of relief this morning when I was reminded that everything we see around us is not as perfect and together as we perceive it to be – maybe you need to be reminded too. Maybe that’s my Monday Morning Encouragement for you.

It’s OK not to have it all together all the time. Nobody does! 

Is there something you just need to let go today? Allow yourself to “fall short” for the sake of peace and serenity? Go for it. It’s pretty liberating!

I’ll be cheering you on! (in my pjs)

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